
Learn how to manage your site using JekyllEx

All the below listed actions can be preformed when you've navigated inside a project.

Creating files

Creating new content in a project is possible through multiple ways:

  • Press the "+" icon on the top right of the app bar. This will open up a dialog where you can

    • Choose a file to load from your device's storage. This is a handy way to load external media.

    • Type in a name and press "Create" to create a file with the full given name (with file extension).

    • If you wish to create a folder, tick the "Folder" checkbox and the name you enter will instead be treated as a folder.

  • Use native commands like mkdir or touch to create empty files and folders.

  • Fetch the media from a URL. Currently, you will need to do that using a curl command in the Terminal.

Editing content

Currently, JekyllEx's inbuilt editor supports text and code files. In other words, content with the mime type text/plain as well as qualified code files that are commonly needed in a jekyll site (like .rb, .xml, .js, .scss, and of course markup languages & stylesheets).

Opening such files will lead you to the editor, which once loaded lets you edit the content right away. By default, changes made to the content save with a delay of 1 second after you stop editing, which can be changed from the settings.

If you attempt to open an unsupported file type, you will be presented with a list of potential apps that can open the file for you.

The editor in the app is actually a web page binded with the app natively to let you edit files local to the app. It is built on top of Prism.js Live for realtime syntax highlighting. Even though Prism.js Live is in beta, it has been worked upon by me to make it usable enough for the app.

Since the editor is built on top of Prism.js at its core, it is easy to support custom themes which can be worked upon in the future as an improvement in the app. The development of the editor website is done on this repository.


If for some reason you need to rename files, you can do so from within the JekyllEx editor. But since for now it supports only certain kind of files, you can rename the rest using the mv command from the terminal.


Deleting files and folders is pretty straight forward, you can click the delete icon besides any item on the home page's list and you will be prompted before the deletion. Files can be deleted from within the editor as well.

You may also use the rm command in the terminal to do the same.

Deleting is an irreversible action so please do this with caution!

Last updated

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