
The home page of the app is like the desktop folder on your computer. This place is meant to view / create / import your Jekyll projects.

A Jekyll projects is just a folder that contains content that adheres to Jekyll's directory structure.

As soon as the app loads, it will show the projects that are loaded.

If you've just begun using the app, you will see a "Create" button to generate a "test" project with the jekyll starter template.

For existing projects, JekyllEx will render additional details regarding your project like the site title, description, size on disk, etc., if possible. It does so by reading the _config.yml file inside the project.

Create / import projects

Press the "+" icon on the top right of the app bar. This will open a dialog where you can both create and import jekyll projects.

  • Typing a Name will create a new jekyll blog with the default starter template in the folder with the the same same.

  • Typing a valid URL will try to clone the repository at the URL using git.

  • Typing a git command will execute it as it is.

If you are trying to import a private GitHub repository, you will first need to set up authentication with GitHub.

As soon as the action is complete, the dialog closes and the list refereshes to show the latest projects and info possible.

You may create empty folders in the home directory using commands like mkdir from the Terminal. In such a case, you will need to refresh the list manually from the "" dropdown menu.

Even though you can use touch or curl to create files, the home page will only list the folders present there.

Note: If you want to be able to preview your jekyll site, it must be at the home directory. Please use mv in the terminal to move at the top level if it is in a sub-directory.

Install dependencies

This step is required to prepare your new project for Previewing locally.

After importing a project, all you need to do is navigate inside it and press the "bundle install" option from the "" menu on the top right and bundler will try to resolve and set up the required dependencies. You can view it's progress live from the terminal.

Dependency installation can be prone to errors, but most can be overcome. Please see the Troubleshooting guide for help with common issues.

Last updated

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